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- Students from the Master of Science in Health Science Education (International Program) participated in a cultural trip to Ayuthaya province
- Assoc. Prof.Dr.Thasaneeya Ratanaroutai Nopparatjamjomras presented about the Master of Science in Health Science Education (International program) during the study visit of the delegation
- Assoc. Prof.Dr.Thasaneeya Ratanaroutai Nopparatjamjomras has been invited to deliver training for the academic staff and support staff in the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Communications, Naresuan University.
- Assoc. Prof.Dr.Thasaneeya Ratanaroutai Nopparatjamjomras, as a consultant in the project ‘Development of Health Innovation Standards for Global Trade’ contributed with partner organizations jointly organized seminars