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Admission Process

Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University Academic Year 2022 and onwards


Program registration on student behalf
Student register by themselves
Former student who would like to request certificate

Option 1  

Program will register on behalf of the applicants

Duration: Now - July 12, 2024

Program need permission from applicants to register on their behalf including;

1. Fill the registration form

2. Upload the applicant’s documents; copy of degree certificate, copy of transcript, copy of ID card or passport, photo and CV (every copies need “certified true copy” and signature)

When the staffs received all required documents, they will register via the Siriraj Conference system on behalf of the applicants between June 10 - July 12, 2024 only.

Then the staffs will inform the applicants to confirm the registration themselves again.


Option 2  

Applicants register themselves via Siriraj Conference System

Duration: June 10 - July 12, 2024

Step 1  

Choose Course via the MAP-C System

2.1 Create your account in the MAP-C system by filling out your personal information in the form and uploading the required documents.

2.2 Activate your account via email and set your username and password.

2.3 Choose your desired courses and pay the graduate fee of 9,000 THB per credit.

Step 2  

Register via Siriraj Conference System

Register for the program through the Siriraj Conference System and pay a registration fee of 4,000 THB per person.

Option 3  

For former or present short-course students

Duration: Now - July 12, 2024

For former or present short-course students, please make a request to register for a certification of health science education by complete the google form in the link below.

The program staff will notify the students to confirm the registration themselves again.