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Study Plan

Number of credits (not less than)

Curriculum Structure
          The curriculum structure is set in compliance with the announcement of the Ministry of Education on the subject of Criteria and Standards of Graduate Studies B.E. 2558, Master Degree, Plan A and Plan B as below:

Study Plan : Plan A2
For PDF version please download here

Study Plan : Plan B
For PDF version please download here

Course descriptions

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Required Courses


  •     SIHS    501      Principles of Educational Research2 (2-0-4)

         Philosophical foundations of research; basic principles of educational research; defining research problems, research questions; research hypotheses; ethical issues in research; literature review; population and samples; research instrumentation; validity, reliability; writing research proposals; searching and evaluating research articles and presenting health science education research
  •     SIHS    502     Psychology of Learning in Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Principles of learning and cognition; behaviorism; cognitive information processing; memory; intelligence; meaningful learning; situated cognition; social learning, experiential learning; ethical conduct of teaching with patients; applying learning theories in the health science education; searching and evaluating research in learning psychology and presenting learning psychology research
  •     SIHS    503     Assessment and Evaluation of Learning in Health Science Programs2 (2-0-4)

         Basic principles of assessment in health science programs; the quality criteria for the good assessment, formative and summative assessment; validity, reliability; learning outcomes in health science programs; assessment levels in health science programs; assessment methods commonly used in health science programs to assess outcomes at various levels; written examination and item analysis; ethical issues in the assessment; searching and evaluating of literature in the assessment; research in the assessment; standard setting
  •     SIHS    504     Curriculum Development in Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Basic Principles and concepts of curriculum planning and development; approaches to identify curriculum needs; deciding the educational strategy; trends in curriculum design; outcome-based education; competency-based education, entrustable professional activities; educational objectives; learning environment; searching and evaluating research articles about the curriculum development
  •     SIHS    505     Educational Research Techniques2 (2-0-4)

          Philosophical foundations of qualitative and quantitative research methods; quantitative research methodologies; experimental research, correlational research, causal-comparative research, survey research; descriptive and inferential statistics; qualitative research methodologies, ethnographic research, historical research, action research, grounded theories; qualitative research techniques, interviews, focus groups, field observations, content analysis; ethics in the analysis of educational data
  •     SIHS    506     Learning Theories in Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Biological basis of learning and cognition; motivation and self-efficacy; Gagne’s Theory of Instruction; deliberate practice, constructivism; cognitive bias and decision making, multiple intelligences theory, emotional intelligence; moral development and how to teach morality; basic principles of learning media in health science programs; applications of learning theories in teaching health science programs; searching and evaluating literature in the science of learning, presentations of research in learning
  •     SIHS    507      Assessment and Evaluation of Complex Learning in Health Science Programs2 (2-0-4)

         Principles and processes of advanced assessment, systematic assessment, the development of rubrics for assessment; objective structured clinical examination, portfolio, the efficiency performance assessment, the workplace-based assessment, the assessment of non-technical skills, adaptive tests, grading in the health science program, research in assessment
  •     SIHS    508     Curriculum Evaluation of  Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Principles and concepts of curriculum evaluation; Tyler’s model, Stake’s model, CIPP model, Kirkpatrick’s model; the curriculum development process; medical education accreditation standards; searching and evaluating research articles in the curriculum evaluation
  •     SIHS    509     Faculty Development and Leadership in Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Basic principles of the faculty development and leadership; professionalism and ethics; approaches in developing academic staffs for health science programs; self-assessment and strength finding; the roles of leaders and the change management; negotiations; evaluating of the effectiveness of the faculty development program in health science schools; the organizational structure to support the faculty development in health science schools; academic promotion in health science schools
  •     SIHS    510     Seminars in Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Literature search in health science education; an analysis and critical appraisal of health science educational research articles; an evaluation of health science educational research, strengths and limitations of the applications of the research findings; presentations of health science educational research; ethical standards in presenting and publishing research

Elective Courses


  •     SIHS    511      Test Development and Administration in Health Science Programs2 (2-0-4)

         Principles for the effective test development, the standards for educational and psychological testing; validity, reliability, content definition, test specification and blueprinting, item development, test assembly, test production, test administration, computerized testing, scoring, passing standards; reporting examination results, item banking, test technical report, ethical issues in the test administration
  •     SIHS    512      Fundamentals of Simulation Based Medical Education1 (0-3-1)

         Principles of simulation based medical education; designing the effective simulation scenario; the simulation in technical skills, the simulation in teamwork management; simulated and standardized patients; debriefing in simulation based medical education; the assessment in the simulation based medical education
  •     SIHS    513      Qualitative Research in Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Philosophical foundations of the qualitative research; the nature of the qualitative research; types of qualitative research; qualitative research designs; individual interviews, group interviews, field observations; document analysis; the data management and analysis in the qualitative research; reporting findings from the qualitative research
  •     SIHS    514      Innovations in Health Science Education2 (2-0-4)

         Meaning and significance of innovation in health science education; disruptive education; information technology in health science education; modeling in health science education; simulations in health science education; augmented reality in health science education; virtual reality in health science education; digital games in health science education; research of innovation in health science education
  •     SIHS    515      Quantitative Analysis of Educational Data2 (2-0-4)

         Basic concepts of educational measurement, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics commonly used in analysis of educational data; statistical power and sample size; statistical hypotheses; t-test; analysis of variance; correlation; simple regression; multiple regression; logistic regression; reliability of test scores; non-parametric tests; the application of statistics in analysis of educational research data and test scores; ethical standards in educational test score analysis
  •     SIHS    516      Digital Education2 (1-2-3)

         Principles of digital education; the instructional design and media in digital education; online education formats; technology-assisted learning; using application softwares for teaching and research
  •     SIHS    517      Basic Communication Skills for Educators2 (1-2-3)

         Principles, theories, processes, related to communication; communication ethics; verbal and non-verbal communication; the interpersonal communication, the organizational communication; the development of self-awareness and empathy; active listening; public presentation; collaboration; conflict resolution; facilitation; assertiveness; the applications of communication skills in the administration, teaching, and assessment in health science programs
  •     SIHS    518      Applied Psychology in Health Science Education1 (1-0-2)

         Behavior change, anxiety, stress; the detection of cheating on tests; psychological measurement; the measurement and data analysis from personality and attitude tests; rater errors; the detection and the reduction of rater errors; social psychology and healthcare
  •     SIHS    519      Teaching Methods in Health Science Education1 (0-3-1)

         Principles and concepts of active learning; lecture; small group teaching; teaching in the laboratory; team-based learning; flipped classrooms; teaching and learning in clinical setting; Self-directed learning; teaching non-technical skills; stimulation-based teaching; technology-enhanced learning
  •     SIHS    520     Transformative Learning in Health Science Education1 (1-0-2)

         Definitions of transformative learning; related learning theories to transformative learning; steps of transformative learning experiences; learning tools in the transformative learning; transformative learning in the science education context; an introduction to classroom action research
  •     SIHS    521     Teacher Spirituality1 (1-0-2)

         An inspiration for professional teachers; stepping over the safe zone; teachers’ spiritual cultivation; law practice guidelines and ethics for professional teachers; professional learning community; learning from the good role model teachers; reflection through observation
  •     SIHS    522     Independent Study1 (0-2-1)

         Identifying topics of interest in health science education; studying topics with directed readings, carrying out independent research projects



  •     SIHS    698      Thesis12 (0-36-0)

         Identifying research projects in health science education; conducting research with research ethics; data collection, data analysis, interpreting results and reporting the results in the form of thesis; presenting and publishing research in standard journals or a conference’s proceedings; ethics in writing reports and presenting research findings

Thematic paper


Admission Schedule Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University welcomes applicants for the Master’s Degree in Health Science Education (International Program), who want to develop the health science education professionally.

1st Semester 2024
Process Period
Round 1
Online Application 1 Dec, 2023 - 31 Mar, 2024
Announcement of the list of eligible candidates 10 Apr, 2024
Interview day 22 Apr, 2024
Announcement of application result 8 May, 2024
Admission confirmation and tuition fee payment 20 May, 2024
Semester starts Aug, 2024
Round 2
Online Application 1 Apr - 31 May, 2024
Announcement of the list of eligible candidates 10 Jun, 2024
Interview day 17 Jun, 2024
Announcement of application result 2 July, 2024
Admission confirmation and tuition fee payment 9 July, 2024
Semester starts Aug, 2024

2nd Semester 2024
Process Period
Round 3
Online Application Today - Oct 31, 2024
Announcement of the list of eligible candidates 9 Nov, 2024
Interview day 18 Nov, 2024
Announcement of application result 27 Nov, 2024
Admission confirmation and tuition fee payment 5 Dec, 2024
Semester starts Jan, 2025

*It is subject to change according to the Announcement of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University

Download files

Estimated Tuition Fee for Graduate Students

Update : Jun. 16, 2022 estimate file size : 15 KB

HSI Student Manual 2022

Update : Aug. 23, 2022 estimate file size : 30 MB