Assoc. Prof.Dr.Thasaneeya Ratanaroutai Nopparatjamjomras, program director of the Master of Science in Health Science Education (International program), has been invited to be a chairperson for the parallel sessions on the topics of ‘Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning’
Assoc. Prof.Dr.Thasaneeya Ratanaroutai Nopparatjamjomras, program director of the Master of Science in Health Science Education (International program), has been invited to be a chairperson for the parallel sessions on the topics of ‘Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning’ on 6 December 2023 and for unconference in the topics of ‘AI and its impact on Teaching & Learning and Assessment in Higher Education’ on 7 December 2023. The events are in the ASEAN-QA Forum 2023 with the theme “Assuring Quality in ASEAN Higher Education’s Diverse Learning Environments”. The forum was hosted by Polytechnic Negeri Bandung, Indonesia, withsupport from the German Academic Exchange Service.
Besides working as an ASEAN University Network for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) assessor since 2015, she has contributed to the ASEAN-QA community. She holds the position of a country representative in the ASEAN-QA Association from 2019 until 2023 and also an auditor of the association for the 2 rounds of the election.