Message from Dean
Welcome, all new students in the Master of Science in Health Science Education (international) program, to the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. Health Science Education is an important academic area that can enhance the academic staff’s teaching and students’ learning. The program is designed to serve the healthcare community of the near future.
In the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, all staff determines to develop students to reach learning outcomes of the study program with ethics and 21st-century skills, following the philosophy of Mahidol University as well as Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital:
“True success is not in the learning, but in its application to the benefit of mankind.”
I would like to encourage all of you to determine your studying, creating valued educational research, and graduation. Finally, be a person who can contribute a benefit to your countries and humanity.
I would like to encourage all of you to determine your studying, creating valued educational research, and graduation. Finally, be a person who can contribute a benefit to your countries and humanity.

Prof.Dr. Apichat Asavamongkolkul, M.D.
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Message from Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Education
Congratulate all students to be a part of the Master of Science in Health Science Education (International program).
Mahidol University has the policy to produce graduates who can apply knowledge in developing societies and countries. Education at the postgraduate level is including systematic processes in teaching and research. The students should have the ability to search for data and information to have broad knowledge and in-depth in the research topics.
I hope all of you will have patience, determination, hard-working to target yourself to be a well-rounded person and apply knowledge to society's benefit.
I hope all of you will have patience, determination, hard-working to target yourself to be a well-rounded person and apply knowledge to society's benefit.

Thawornchai Limjindaporn, M.D.
Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Education
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Message from Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Education
Welcome, all of you, to be a student in Master of Science in Health Science Education (international program).
Mahidol University has a determination statement as “Wisdom of the Land.” All lecturers would like to enhance students to be good people with intelligence. Moreover, Siriraj is now heading to be a faculty of Medicine with ethics. We want to encourage all of you to keep “A-I-R” in mind. It stands for altruism, integrity, and responsibility. I hope all students will be proud to be a part of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.
I hope you will pay attention to academics to be a completed graduate who can pass on value to create useful things for society.
I hope you will pay attention to academics to be a completed graduate who can pass on value to create useful things for society.

Assoc. Prof.
Tripop Lertbunnaphong
, M.D.
Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Education
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Message from Director of Siriraj Health science Education Excellence Center
Health science education is an important field for sustaining and advancement of the society. Producing high quality graduates from health profession schools who can work effectively in a rapidly changing world is a challenging task. Teachers and educators working in a health science school should be equipped with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be able to manage a curriculum effectively. Master of Science (health science education) is a program that has been carefully designed to provide learners with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are important to manage a health science education program.
We developed this program based on principles of flexibility, diversity, and comprehensiveness. Learners can adjust their learning experience in a way that fits with their life style and learning needs. Learners can expect to meet classmates from various settings and specialties and learn from teachers who are experts with diverse experience. Our program contains five core elements: research, learning, assessment, curriculum, and leadership. We also have plenty of elective courses to fulfill various needs of learners. We believe that these courses provide comprehensive understanding and necessary skills need for teachers, educators, and administrators of health science schools. I wish all students will enjoy their learning experience in our program.

Cherdsak Iramaneerat,
M.D., M.H.P.E., Ph.D.
Director of Siriraj Health Science Education Excellence Center
Message from Program Director
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital has the mission to produce quality graduates, conduct research, create academic atmosphere, and to be the leader in the society that provides quality and up-to-date medical services with international standard, to gain trust with utmost popularity that will lead to good health and better quality of life among Thais.
The health science person who works related to education should have competence in teaching and learning, curriculum, assessment, and research for developing a health science study program. They also should be able to deliver their expertise to the new generations and establish a professional person for other regions.
This Health Science Education (international program) would contribute to strengthening health science educators who will work in a variety of regions from different countries. To study in the program, students can learn from each other and learn how to work with people who come from different cultures. Welcome, all of you, to be a part of the Siriraj community.
This Health Science Education (international program) would contribute to strengthening health science educators who will work in a variety of regions from different countries. To study in the program, students can learn from each other and learn how to work with people who come from different cultures. Welcome, all of you, to be a part of the Siriraj community.