
Siriraj Health science Education Excellence center

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Master of Science Program in Health Science Education
(International Program)

Admissons for academic year 2025 is now open.
Master of Science Program
in Health Science Education
(Thai Program)

Admissons for academic year 2025 is now open.
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The 2nd Curriculum Performance Review Project of the Faculty of Medicine (January 19, 2023)

On January 19, 2023, the Faculty of Medicine, Phayao University, organized the "2nd Program for Reviewing the Performance of the Faculty of Medicine Curriculum." The program was honored by Professor Dr. Sukit Panphimmanat, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, who graciously delivered the opening speech and welcomed the speakers and participants. Dr. Saraswadee Thelongsuk, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Quality Development, provided the report. The event was held at M2 Hotel Waterside, Phayao Province.

This program took place from January 19 to 20, 2023, and was honored by Associate Professor Dr. Cherdtsak Iramaneerat, Medical Instructor in the Department of Surgery at Siriraj Medical School, and Associate Professor Dr. Kasna Raksamanee, Medical Instructor in the Department of Anesthesiology at Siriraj Medical School, who served as the lecturers. They shared their expertise on Basic Principles of Outcome-Based Curriculum (MCO 2 - MCO 7), related processes, curriculum assessment according to WFME standards, and teaching methods such as Problem-Based Learning, Case-Based Learning, Team-Based Learning, and Simulation-Based Education.