
SHEE Journal No. 3 2024 (Full Version)

In this issue, we dive into the topic of "Effective Coaching in Health Science Education", offering practical and easily applicable techniques for coaching in health science schools. Highlights include:

  • Key Elements and Definitions of Coaching: Understanding the roles and processes of coaching.
  • Coaching Knowledge and Skills through Deliberate Practice: Techniques to enhance learning outcomes.
  • Strength-Based Coaching for Diverse Learners: Adapting coaching methods to focus on learners' strengths.
  • Understanding the Characteristics of Gen-Z Learners: Insights into engaging and supporting modern students.
  • Creating a Safe Space (Psychological Safety): A critical factor for effective coaching.
  • Medical Students’ Perspectives on Coaching: Exploring how students view and benefit from coaching in health science education.

Additionally, this issue features:

An Exclusive Interview with Prof. Dr. Aroonwan Preutthipan

Discover insights from the recipient of the 2023 National Outstanding Teacher Award in Health Sciences, presented by the Council of University Faculty Senate of Thailand (CUFST).

Educational Keywords, expand your teaching vocabulary with essential terms that enhance educational communication and practice. Techniques for Thematic Analysis, a comprehensive step-by-step guide designed to support educators and researchers in qualitative data analysis.

Using Padlet in Teaching, learn practical tips for integrating Padlet into your classroom, enhancing collaboration and interactive learning experiences.

Don't miss this informative and practical content crafted to enrich your approach to health science education!

Author: SHEE
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Issue3/2024-01 Executive talk

One of the key roles of teachers in health science schools is to act as coaches, guiding students to develop their knowledge and professional skills to benefit patients and society. Considering the needs of students, the majority prefer teachers to take on the role of a coach rather than that of a lecturer, examiner, or test organizer. If teachers excel in their role as coaches and employ appropriate coaching techniques, they can help produce graduates with strong knowledge and excellent work skills.

Author: รศ. ดร. นพ.เชิดศักดิ์ ไอรมณีรัตน์
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Issue3/2024-02 Effective coaching with deliberate practice: practical points

For a medical teacher to be an effective coach who can fully bring out the potential of students and develop them into skilled and ethical doctors, it is not enough to possess medical expertise in the subjects they teach. Teachers must also have knowledge of effective coaching techniques and methods. However, many instructors in medical schools focus heavily on subject-matter expertise, often overlooking the importance of coaching techniques and strategies.

Research from sports schools, however, might prompt us to rethink this perspective. A study conducted several years ago at a tennis training school involved two groups of coaches. The first group consisted of skilled tennis players who had also undergone training in effective coaching techniques. The second group comprised ski coaches, who were not proficient in playing tennis but had received training in effective coaching methods. Both groups were dressed as tennis coaches and equipped with tennis rackets, and they were tasked with training tennis players.

After the coaching sessions, the tennis players trained by both groups showed similar improvements in their skills. This serves as evidence that understanding effective coaching techniques and methods is critically important. In some contexts, it may even surpass subject-matter expertise in developing students’ potential.

In this article, I would like to propose a proven and widely used method for developing professional skills in students across various fields: the approach of deliberate practice.

Author: รศ. ดร. นพ.เชิดศักดิ์ ไอรมณีรัตน์
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Issue3/2024-03 Coaching the Diversity of Learners: Strength-based coaching

First of all, I would like to extend my congratulations to the Thai athletes who won medals at the 2024 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games held in Paris, France, last month. This is a moment of great joy and pride for all Thais, celebrating the remarkable achievements of our athletes. Beyond the athletes’ dedication to training and their natural talent, we cannot overlook the significant role of those behind their success: the coaches.

Coaches are trainers who guide and rigorously train their students, enabling them to achieve their set goals. This process is known as coaching, a form of learning widely utilized in other professions, such as sports and music. Today, coaching methods are increasingly being applied in health science education. In this context, instructors act as coaches, providing guidance and training to students, helping them develop into fully competent professionals in their respective fields.

There are various coaching methods that can be adapted to suit the context and the strengths of both the coach and the learners. In this article, I will introduce Strength-Based Coaching, a modern and increasingly popular approach that focuses on developing learners through their strengths.

Author: อ.นพ.วุฒิภัทร เอี่ยมมีชัย
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Issue4/2024-07 World War Z - Generation Z and Challenge in medical education

Back in 2008, the animated movie Kung Fu Panda was released. In the scene where the Dragon Warrior is chosen, no one would have imagined that a clumsy, playful, and easygoing panda could master kung fu. Likewise, it’s unlikely that any kung fu master at the time believed they could successfully teach him.

Today, I believe many educators feel similarly when looking at Gen-Z learners, wondering whether these students can truly grow into competent medical professionals. Not long ago, I attended a workshop organized by a government agency, where the topic of discussion was about the nature of today's youth, especially Gen-Z. Nearly 80% of the comments expressed concern about this generation. Some even described them with terms like “fragile” or “uncommitted.” At the same time, I noticed the underlying concern, anxiety, and uncertainty about whether their teaching skills were sufficient to guide or support this new generation of students.

I believe these observations are not incorrect—students have changed from how they were in the past, as they always do, whether gradually or rapidly. However, what stood out to me was the deep concern, worry, and uncertainty about how to coach these learners. For me, this concern is a positive sign. Every time this topic arises, I encourage readers to reflect: What kind of learners do we have? This depends on both the students themselves and their teachers. After all, this generation of students is a product of the education we have provided. Whenever we view this generation as “worse” due to external factors, it is no different from shirking responsibility. Could it be that we have not yet become skilled and effective enough coaches?

To ensure we are well-equipped as educators to coach Gen-Z learners, let us delve deeper into the social context and key concepts that will enable us to coach this generation more effectively.

Author: Punyapat Maprapho, M.D.
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Issue3/2024-05 Relationship building: Key is psychological safety

One common challenge in designing learning experiences in health science schools is the frequent occurrence of situations where no students respond to the instructor's questions during class. Often, the reason is not that students lack knowledge or ideas about the question but rather the way the instructor poses the question. The questions may be ambiguous, misaligned with the learning objectives, or presented in a way that combines multiple questions at once.

However, even when instructors improve their questioning techniques by using clear and effective methods, there may still be students who hesitate to answer or ask questions about what they find unclear. What other factors contribute to students feeling disengaged from the coaching process, despite the use of well-crafted questioning techniques? Why do students still lack active participation in their learning?

In addition to using questions that are clear and aligned with the content and the learners, a key factor in enhancing student engagement is the sense of psychological safety. This refers to an individual’s perception of being in a safe space where they feel secure enough to express their opinions without fear of judgment or criticism from their instructors or peers, even if their answers are incorrect or their viewpoints differ.

Creating a safe space for learning is thus a critical component in fostering psychological safety among students. By ensuring such an environment, instructors can significantly encourage active student participation in the learning process.

Author: Asst. Prof. Dr. Yodying Dangprapai
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Issue3/2024-06 Message from Deputy Dean

The changes taking place may cause concern for many faculty members, particularly regarding their educational workload. As the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, I am ready to listen and provide guidance on workload-related issues. In collaboration with the departments and the Human Resources Division, we aim to ensure that faculty members have a manageable educational workload in accordance with the university’s guidelines. This will enable faculty members to find satisfaction in teaching medical students and support the goal of producing high-quality Siriraj graduates who meet the expectations of Thai society in the future.

Author: Assoc. Prof. Tripop Lertbanporn, M.D.
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Issue3/2024-07 Students' voice: How does Coaching shape your medical journey?

In this article, the author intends to summarize and present the perspectives of medical students to the readers. In this issue of the journal, the author had the opportunity to hear from seven medical students from different faculties and various academic years, all of whom have experience with coaching during their studies. The author hopes that this article will contribute to creating a perspective and understanding for the readers, helping them better comprehend the students' experiences, and applying this understanding to enhance the effectiveness of coaching in health sciences education. The article addresses the following questions:

  1. How has having a coach during your medical studies benefited your learning?
  2. What characteristics of a coach do students seek when encountering problems during their studies?
  3. What obstacles make the coaching process ineffective from the students' perspectives?
  4. Share an experience of a memorable coaching session during your studies.

Author: Chan Chitnumsub, M.D.
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Issue3/2024-08 เชิด-ชู

Once again, we present an article honoring the distinguished achievements of Prof. Dr. Aroonwan Preutthipan, a faculty member in the Department of Pediatrics, specializing in Pediatric Respiratory Diseases at the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital. The professor has vast experience in teaching, clinical practice, and administrative roles, having previously served as the head of the Pediatric Respiratory Diseases Unit, the head of the Sleep Disorder Center, and the president of the Thai Sleep Disorder Society from 2016 to 2020.

As a medical educator, Prof. Dr. Aroonwan is a role model for many other teachers. Recently, she was awarded the National Outstanding Teacher Award in the field of Health Sciences for the year 2023, presented by the Association of University Teachers of Thailand (AUT). The award ceremony took place on November 23, 2023. The journal team had the privilege of interviewing her about her experience as a medical educator, and we are pleased to share this in our article.

Author: Kanin Dardtanim, M.D.
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Issue3/2024-09 สับ สรรพ ศัพท์

Informed Self-Assessment refers to the process of analyzing oneself in the present or learning in order to identify one's weaknesses for the development of essential skills for self-directed learning. This is a fundamental component of medical education to achieve expertise in a specific field, as well as the ability to adapt and engage in lifelong learning throughout one's professional career. Without this skill, learners may fail to identify their weaknesses or may overestimate their abilities. Therefore, learners should be trained in self-assessment skills, including gathering and processing feedback to incorporate into their learning plans.

Author: Phakwun Leelathuwanon, M.D.
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Issue3/2024-10 Educational movement: Implementing Coaching program in Thai Health Science Schools

In this issue of the journal, I, along with several other authors, encourage all readers to recognize the importance of the role of educators as coaches who help unlock the full potential of learners. The teaching methods, ways of supporting students, and curriculum structures presented in this journal may differ from what educators in health science schools in Thailand are familiar with. However, if the goal of higher education is to promote the development of each learner to reach their full potential and become a good citizen who contributes to society and maximizes the benefits for humanity, educators in health science schools must work together to adjust the education system to support effective coaching. In this article, the author suggests strategies that Thai health science schools can use to plan and establish policies to enhance the effectiveness of student coaching.

Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Cherdsak Iramaneerat
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Issue3/2024-11 SHEE sharing: Proactive Coaching in General Surgery Internship: Incorporating Well-being Practices into Resident Professional Life

In this article, the author presents the research paper titled "Proactive Coaching in General Surgery Internship Well-being Practice into Resident Professional Life," published in the Journal of Surgical Education, Volume 80, on pages 177-184 in February 2023. This research focuses on studying the impact of a proactive coaching program for general surgery residents, with an emphasis on improving well-being and achieving professional goals. The author hopes that this article will serve as an example for readers to understand that coaching is not only about teaching medical knowledge or skills but also about fostering student happiness and helping them achieve their goals of becoming a successful physician.

Author: Thanapat Prakairungthong, M.D.
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Issue3/2024-12 SHEE research: How to conduct Thematic analysis in health science educational research

After quantitative researchers have collected data, the next step is data analysis. In qualitative research, however, data analysis does not wait until data collection is complete; instead, it is done immediately after collecting data from each participant to identify data saturation. There are several methods of qualitative data analysis, but they share a common concept: choosing to use inductive reasoning. The researcher reads the data and groups it based on similarities or differences, then draws connections between similar items to summarize key points.

The two most commonly used methods of qualitative data analysis today are content analysis and thematic analysis. In the context of health sciences education, which is interdisciplinary (involving multiple areas of knowledge), the author believes that thematic analysis is more suitable for the nature of the data. Content analysis is typically used for analyzing documents, where hidden meanings are not interpreted. In contrast, thematic analysis allows for the interpretation of implicit meanings. Data collected through interviews, group discussions, or observations can lead to questioning, validating facts, and generating or advancing new theories.

Author: Dr. Kaittiyos Kuldejchaichan
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Issue3/2024-13 Click&Go with technology: How can Padlet enhance your teaching methods?

Padlet is an application or website on a bulletin board platform used for online commenting that can support multiple users. Users can comment in various forms such as text, images, audio, videos, and website links. It can also be applied for collecting work as a portfolio. Additionally, Padlet allows you to export the content on the bulletin board as image files, PDFs, or CSV files, and it can be shared across different channels. You can sign up for both free and paid versions. The free version allows you to use up to three bulletin boards. Now that we've covered this, let's get started on creating one!

Author: Assist. Prof. Dr. Vorawan Vanicharoenchai
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Issue3/2024-14 SHEE Podcast

The Siriraj Health science Education Excellence center (SHEE) has created the SHEE Podcast, which compiles interesting topics in health sciences education and presents them through casual conversations, making the content more accessible to everyone. The podcast is released on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 8:00 PM.

For this year's series, anyone who loves reading books but struggles with tight schedules or those interested in psychology should not miss out. This time, we are introducing a concept that is different from before. Whether you are a medical educator, a physician at a teaching hospital responsible for mentoring medical students, a medical resident, or a medical student yourself, you can listen to the podcast and apply the knowledge gained to your specific context in education.

Author: Kanin Dardtanim, M.D.
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Issue3/2024-15 Upcoming events

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Issue3/2024-16 Gallery

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Issue3/2024-17 Contributors

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Issue3/2024 - Q&A

Join the Q&A session by submitting your questions or inquiries related to health sciences education or medical education.

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