SHEE Journal No. 2 2024 (Full Version)
This issue focuses on the theme: Leadership Training in Health Science Schools, aiming to raise awareness among educators about the importance of teaching leadership. It also seeks to foster a deeper understanding of methods for teaching and evaluating leadership skills in students. By promoting systematic approaches to leadership development, we hope to inspire educators to actively incorporate leadership training into their teaching practices.
The journal covers a range of topics, including:
- Integrating Leadership Training into Curricula: Strategies for embedding leadership skills in academic programs.
- Using Simulations to Develop Leadership: Techniques for utilizing simulated scenarios to enhance leadership competencies.
- Measuring the Impact of Leadership Training: Guidelines for assessing the outcomes of leadership development programs.
- Fostering Leadership through Extracurricular Activities: Insights into promoting leadership growth outside the classroom.
This issue provides practical tools and perspectives to empower educators in cultivating future leaders in health science education.
Author: SHEE
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Issue2/2024-01 Executive talk
In this issue of the SHEE Journal, the team presents content under the theme: Leadership Training in Health Science Schools. The objective is to raise awareness among faculty members about the importance of teaching leadership skills and to provide an understanding of effective approaches for teaching and assessing leadership development in students. The goal is to inspire faculty members to actively engage in teaching leadership and to explore systematic methods for fostering leadership development in students.
The content in this issue covers various aspects, including strategies for integrating leadership training into curricula, techniques for using simulation to support leadership development, approaches for evaluating the outcomes of leadership training, and the development of leadership skills through extracurricular activities. Additionally, the team has interviewed medical students to gather their suggestions on teaching strategies for leadership development, featured in the "Students' Voice" column.
In the "Education Movement" column, I have proposed strategies for enhancing leadership education in the context of Thai health science schools.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cherdsak Iramaneerat
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Issue2/2024-02 How to teach and foster leadership in Health Science Education
Author: Punyapat Maprapho, M.D.
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Issue2/2024-03 Team Leadership Training with Simulation
Leadership skills are essential in medical practice and are considered a core competency that healthcare professionals must be trained in and learn. However, the training of these skills remains unstructured and inconsistent. The definition of leadership skills varies widely across different contexts, making it challenging to design appropriate learning experiences. This discussion focuses on team leadership, emphasizing collaboration during patient care.
Teamwork is unavoidable in medical practice. Yet, the varying contexts within different professional fields can influence perspectives on leadership and its core competencies. While some individuals may naturally exhibit strong leadership traits, it does not mean others cannot develop these skills. Leadership is a highly individualized skill set that requires tailored development. Consequently, coaching and mentoring through hands-on experiences are effective approaches for learning these skills.
However, these processes should be systematic, providing structured experiences that clearly define the desired behaviors and outcomes. This includes problem scenarios that necessitate collaboration and decision-making, effective management strategies, and processes for reflection and feedback. These elements can be effectively incorporated into teaching through the use of medical simulations.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Tachawan Jirativanont, M.D.
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Issue2/2024-04 Assessment of Leadership Skills in Health Science Schools
How to Begin Assessing Leadership Skills in Health Science Schools?
Leadership skills are critically important in today’s world of constant change and uncertainty. These skills should be promoted through structured teaching and assessment in health science schools to produce medical professionals who exhibit effective leadership. Such professionals must be able to guide and influence others in the right and appropriate direction, ensuring the highest levels of safety and efficiency in patient care.
The concept of leadership skills is inherently complex and abstract, often encompassing a wide range of definitions and interpretations. Therefore, before designing assessment methods, it is essential to clearly define and articulate the educational outcomes based on the required competencies. This clarity will ensure that teaching and assessment align effectively and achieve the desired outcomes.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Kasana Raksamani, M.D.
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Issue2/2024-05 Developing Leadership Through Extracurricular Activities at the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital
Leadership is of paramount importance in the medical profession, as the current healthcare system demands professionals capable of leading multidisciplinary teams and driving advancements in patient care. Physicians are often expected to assume these responsibilities. Moreover, leadership is one of the core competencies expected of Siriraj medical graduates. While the formal curriculum provides foundational knowledge and technical skills, extracurricular activities also play a crucial role in developing leadership capabilities.
These activities range from participating in student organizations and engaging in community service to conducting research projects. They instill essential leadership skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and resilience. Additionally, medical students involved in such activities must develop effective time management skills to ensure their participation does not adversely impact their academic performance.
Extracurricular activities serve as a valuable platform for fostering well-rounded leadership abilities and preparing medical students to meet the complex demands of their future roles.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Ruttapol Tuangthong, M.D.
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Issue2/2024-06 Message from Education Deputy Dean
Dear Faculty Members and Readers,
This is my first opportunity to communicate officially with all of you through the journal of the Center of Excellence in Health Science Education. It is a wonderful chance for me to share the progress of our educational efforts, which I hope will contribute to the management of our curriculum and the development of teaching and learning at the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, in the future.
Under the leadership of the new administration, the educational mission, one of our three main missions, has set an important goal to "become a leading medical school that produces high-quality medical graduates, specialists, and health science professionals capable of responding to future changes." This will be achieved through curriculum management focused on "educational reform with an emphasis on outcomes." The educational division has laid out an action plan to support this mission, focusing on three key areas as follows:...............
Author: Assoc. Prof. Tripop Lertbanporn, M.D.
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Issue2/2024-07 Students’ voice
Throughout this issue of SHEE Journal, readers have gained insights into the importance of leadership from experienced faculty members in various medical schools. However, the perspectives of the students themselves may not have been discussed as much. The Students' Voice article aims to summarize and present the views of medical students to the readers. In this issue, we had the opportunity to hear from medical students of different years and faculties, all of whom have interesting experiences in leadership development. We strongly believe that this article will contribute to a more comprehensive perspective on leadership in health science schools through the following questions:
- How is leadership beneficial for medical students and future physicians?
- What leadership-related skills do students feel unsure about, and how would they like the curriculum to help promote these skills?
- What activities, either inside or outside the curriculum, have helped foster their leadership abilities, and what aspects do they enjoy the most?
- How much feedback and evaluation have students received regarding their leadership skills, and how would they like the curriculum to assist them in this regard?
Author: Thitiphan Srikulmontree, M.D., Mr. Patcharapol Rujipronpong
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Issue2/2024-09 สับ สรรพ ศัพท์
In organizational or team leadership, both leadership and management skills are essential. While these two skills have distinct characteristics, they are equally important for guiding an organization toward achieving its set goals. As the saying goes, "Poor management will prevent goals from being achieved, and poor leadership will lead to work without clear goals and vision." These two skills differ in the following ways:
Leadership is a skill focused on change and driving the organization or department forward.
Management is a skill that ensures systems and processes run smoothly and steadily.
Author: Kanin Dardtanim, M.D.
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Issue2/2024-10 Education movement
From the content you have seen in this article, it is evident that leadership is a crucial quality that is a key goal of education in health science curricula. To foster this quality in students, it is necessary to have a well-designed learning process and effective assessment, both within the curriculum and through extracurricular activities. However, this is a relatively new concept for many institutions. Even in developed countries, most educational institutions still offer leadership learning experiences and assessments that are not well-structured or effective. In this article, the author proposes guidelines that health science schools in Thailand can use to plan and develop educational processes in health science curricula to effectively promote leadership development in students.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cherdsak Airamaneerat, M.D.
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Issue2/2024-11 SHEE Sharing
This journal issue highlights that leadership training is a crucial component of medical curricula, whether for medical students or residents. However, in practice, there are challenges in implementing effective teaching methods. In this article, the author presents the research study titled "The Effects of Leadership Curricula With and Without Implicit Bias Training on Graduate Medical Education: A Multicenter Randomized Trial," published in the academic journal Academic Medicine. This study evaluates the effectiveness of two different leadership development curricula for medical residents, using high-fidelity simulation-based teaching. The two curricula differ in the inclusion of implicit bias training, such as gender-related bias. The author hopes that this article will serve as an example of successful leadership training programs that readers can apply to create their own courses and use as a framework for assessing leadership in medical students or residents in their respective programs.
Author: Kanin Dardtanim, M.D.
Downloads: 42
Issue2/2024-12 SHEE Research
Action research is a method used by educators to address issues faced by students in the classroom, with the goal of using the results to immediately enhance student learning. The outcomes are then shared with faculty teaching the same course or year level for peer review, discussion, and exchange of practices and results to improve the learning experience for both teachers and students.
The process of action research follows a cycle similar to the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) quality assurance system that many readers may be familiar with. It consists of four steps: planning, implementation, observation of results, and reflection and improvement, as follows.
Author: Dr. Kiattiyot Kuldetchaichan
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Issue2/2024-13 Click & Go with Technology
Nearpod is a web application used to create interactive teaching materials. It allows the creation of online slides, interactive videos, and various types of questions, such as open-ended, quizzes, polls, collaborate boards, fill in the blanks, matching pairs, and time-to-climb activities. The system provides reports to immediately notify the instructor about which students have submitted or not submitted their work, along with the scores they have received. You can sign up for either a free or paid plan. The free plan provides 300 MB of storage space, allows up to 40 participants, and supports a maximum of 25 questions. Now that we've covered the basics, let's start creating!
Author: Assist. Prof. Dr. Vorawan Vanicharoenchai
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Issue2/2024-14 SHEE Podcast
The Center of Excellence in Health Sciences Education (SHEE) has created the SHEE Podcast, which compiles interesting topics in health sciences education, delivered through casual conversations to make the content more accessible. The podcast is published on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 8:00 PM.
In June, the SHEE Podcast launched a new series, "Unboxing," with Episode 1 already released on May 10 and 24. This series brings a fresh concept, and regardless of whether you are a medical school educator, a physician at a teaching hospital supervising medical students, a resident, or a medical student yourself, you can listen and apply the knowledge gained to your own specific context.
Author: SHEE
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