Page 41 - Glossary_M.Sc.(HSE)_2020
P. 41

Glossary of terms for Health science Education students 2020

                   L                                                                           หนา

                         Latent content                                                           23

                         Learning outcomes                                                         4
                         Learning zone                                                             9

                   M                                                                           หนา

                         Manifest content                                                         23

                         Medical specialties                                                      29
                         Memory systems                                                           10

                         Meta analysis                                                            23

                         Miller’s pyramid                                                         13
                         Mixed methods research                                                   23

                         Modified essay question (MEQ)                                            14

                         Moral behavior                                                           10
                         Moral examplars                                                          10

                         Moral judgment                                                           10

                         Moral reasoning                                                          10
                         Motivation                                                               11

                         Motivational design                                                      11

                         Multiple choice questions (MCQ)                                          14
                         Multiple regression                                                      23

                   N                                                                           หนา

                         National medical licensing examination                                   30

                         Nativism                                                                  2
                         Naturalistic observation                                                 23

                         Needs assessment                                                          4

                         Nondeclarative memory                                                    11
                         Norm                                                                     23

                         Null hypothesis                                                          23

                   O                                                                           หนา

                         Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)                         14

                 38 | Pag e    Siriraj Health science Education Excellence center (SHEE) Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
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